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"The public are crucial to the inclusive atmosphere we have at UConn Swing and Blues" ~Steph Ryzyk

For most people, the favorite part of the week is the weekend when they get to take a rest from the work week; but for me, what I most look forward to are Tuesdays because that means it's time for UConn Swing and Blues. This community has meant so much to me at my time at UConn. I can be in the worst mood from having a rough week, but the second I go to dance, surrounded by all these wonderful people, and start dancing, my bad mood immediately disappears and I cannot stop smiling. Both the fun of dancing and the amazing supportive community of swing has meant so much to me. A huge part of UConn swing and blues is also its connection to the surrounding swing community outside of UConn. Without having these events that foster a sense of community between dancers from all over, I would not have met so many wonderful people who have enriched my life. These events that are open to the public are crucial to the inclusive atmosphere we have at UConn Swing and Blues, and I would be sorry to see this atmosphere of the club go away.

~ Stephanie Ryzyk, UConn Undergraduate

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